1 Mask, Alcohol Swabs 3/pkg, PVP Swabs 3/pkg, PVP Prep Pad, Split Gauze 2" x 2", Gauze Sponge 4" x 4", Framed Transparent Dressing with Label, Tape, Pair LF Gloves, Towel/Drape, Dressing Change Label, Ruler.
1 Mask, Alcohol Swabs 3/pkg, PVP Swabs 3/pkg, PVP Prep Pad, Split Gauze 2" x 2", Gauze Sponge 4" x 4", Framed Transparent Dressing with Label, Tape, Pair LF Gloves, Towel/Drape, Dressing Change Label, Ruler.
1 Mask, Alcohol Swab 1/pkg, Chloraprep 3mL Applicator, Skin Protectant Wipe, 2 Gauze Sponge 2
Pair of Powder-free Gloves, Cotton Tipped Applicator, Dressing, ChloraPrep, Mask, Towel, Tape, Gauze
Pair of Powder-free Gloves, Alcohol Swabstick, Dressing, ChloraPrep, Forceps, Mask, Towel, Tape, Gauze
Pair of Powder-free Vinyl Gloves, Skin Prep Pad, PVP Ointment, Tape Measure, Dressing, ChloraPrep, 2 Masks, Towel, Tape, 2 Gauze40 per case
Central Line Dressing Change Tray
Alcohol Swab Sticks, Antiseptic/Applicator, Dressing, Dressing Patch, Mask, Gauze 4x4, Gloves-1, Label-1, Plastic Forcep-1,Tape-1, Towel-1
Tray, CSR Wrap, Mask, Pair of P/F Synthetic Gloves, Transparent Dressing, 2x2 Dressing, 2x2 Split Dressing, ChloraPrep One-Step, 4x4 Gauze, 2x2 Gauze, Alcohol Swabstick, Medical Tape, Label